Why marketers fail.
OK, so that’s a pretty aggressive headline. But if there’s one single lesson that will transform how effective your marketing is, it’s this one:
No-one cares about your business. They only care about what your business can do for them.
If your advertising tells your customers how you will make their lives better, in a way that they understand and care about…
Your marketing will become very effective, very quickly.
OK, great. Can you give us some examples?
Sure. Compare this copy…
“Over the last ten years, fakekitchencompany have grown to become one of the leading bespoke kitchen design companies in the South of England."
To this copy….
‘The kitchen you’ve always dreamed of having is just a phonecall away.‘
Can you see the difference? A lot of people won’t. They’ll just see two different ads.
Let’s go through another example…
“After 10 years running a marketing agency, I’ve finally launched my B2B newsletter, which is available for just £5 a month.”
“Immediately tap into a decade of marketing wisdom for less than a high street meal deal.”
All four of these sentences are pretty run of the mill to look at. There’s nothing massively creative or clever going on in either case. They definitely won’t win awards, or go viral.
But the second pair of ads will do the one thing that really matters when it comes to marketing:
They will help bring in more customers.
Why? Because the second pair of sentences tell the reader the only thing they actually care about:
What’s in it for them.
‘The kitchen you’ve always dreamed of.’
‘Tap into a decade of marketing wisdom.’
And then they tell the reader – in a way most people will immediately understand – that it’s easy or cheap to get started.
‘Just a phonecall away.’
Less than a high street meal deal.’
Do you get the idea?
Tell people what you can do for them, and your marketing will become more effective, quickly.
“This is basic stuff. Everyone already knows this.”
You think so?
We read and watch a LOT of adverts. Online. On TV. On the tube.
You would be amazed how few of them take the time to do this single, basic thing.
This doesn’t say a lot for the advertising and marketing industry as a whole. But that’s probably a good thing for you, because it gives you the chance to get a serious head start over your competition.
Especially if you’re in an industry - and there are many - where your competitors aren’t even doing the basics right.
Interested in finding out more? Get in touch for a free consultation today.